Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Art and Ideas

Jean- Auguste- Dominique Ingres's painting La Grande Odalisque and the Keri advertisement is an interesting usage of visuals to convey a message. The Keri advertisement was tapping into the aspects and positive points of the painting. Keri was also relying on a knowledgeable audience. This made me consider what other advertisements are based on works of art and what the companies are trying to convey by using works of art.



I couldn't find a lot of examples but the Mazda one was very interesting. I'm not entirely sure what Mazda is trying to conveying with this ad other than it is an integral part of our society.

"And the marketplace of images has become more self-conscious, playing with the issues of power and looking, and in the process has produced new image codes in film, television, advertising, and on the Web" (136). The word 'marketplace' could be in relation to groups of ideas and connotations that need weighing, trading and/or bargaining, The struggle of weighing all the ideas is a part of producing necessary conclusions. I think the struggle to find the conclusions is the catalyst to producing new thoughts and ideas.

"Particular visual styles can thus help us to generally date an image, evoking an earlier moment in history" (143). The way something looks gives off a lot of information--its period in history, its social classification, among many other ideas. I believe this is the idea behind the argument concerning the confederate flag. For some people the flag signifies slavery, bondage and discrimination. Others claim it represents their southern heritage. This is an illustration of how many images can evoke different connotations and reputations.