Every visual has participants- Carriers and possessive attributes. The book says that a representative structure "involve two kinds of participants: one Carrier (the whole) and any number of Possessive Attributes (the parts)" (87). When I read this I immediately sketched a little picture in the margin of my book. This concept was difficult to visualize. I am partly a visual learner and tend to draw alot in this book. Many times the few pictures they are refering to are on the next page. It made me wonder what other pictures I could use to help cement this idea in head. So here are a few I found. I tried to find ones that showed multiple part.

In addition to the carriers and possessive attributes page 105 discusses symbolic processes and states they "are about what a participant means or is." This makes perfect sense to me, other terms may be a bit fuzzy but after reading about attributes (page 50), symbolic to it adds an additional factor that is understandable. Symbolic= representative in nature. So a symbolic processes is a representative process. The authors go on with this concept further on page 106 and adds suggestive to the attribute and creates and discusses the symbolic suggestive process.
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