Visual components are an intregral part of the branding process. The authors dicuss this in the beginning of chapter seven, "In visual communication, similarly, the material production of a design is not of the execution of something already complete, but a vital part of meaning-making" (215). This reminds of the Tropicana carton redesign. Apparently people have been complaining to Pepsi, Tropicana's parent company about the design. After just six weeks the company is going drop the design.

The section on color as a semiotic mode was another thorough dicussion of the impact of culture. "Putting it more generally, colour is used to act on others, to send managerial messages to workers, or parental messages to children, as we have shown in an analysis of a child's room" (230).

The sign uses a bright color to cause action or awareness.
The book continues on to discuss who the hue and saturation of a color can change the way a color is percieved. Pastels convey a different message than a highly saturates color. 

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